Saturday, January 31, 2009

New Vacuum

So, our old vacuum is just not sucking like it used to. In fact it's putting out more than it should. haha. I have been frustrated with it for a while. We have a cat with white fur and we have a black rug in the dining room. Plus a shag rug in the living room. And our furniture is getting furry. Our vacuum just isn't cleaning like it should.

Then there are allergies: Alan with his asthma and Katherine with her eczema. Katherine especially has been suffering. She is allergic to cats (and maybe milk but that's still being tested at home). I have a cat I adore and have had for 10 years. I'm not ready to give him up. So I am doing everything else I can do. I have put air filters through the house and changed the furnace filter to an allergen rated one. She's really improved since. The next thing to do is to get a good hepa filtering vacuum that will also clean a shag rug and pick up fur really well.

So, I was at Target yesterday buying a present for Gabby to take to her friend's birthday party today. With curiosity, I walked over to the vacuum isle just to take a look at the market. I found only one vacuum among the several there that was rated "asthma friendly". I took a flyer home and stayed up way past my bedtime researching this particular vacuum while also looking into other top of the market vacuums. By far this vacuum had the best ravings. But also this vacuum is the most expensive. Hmmm...worth it?

Well here it is:

Pretty cool looking huh?

It is a Dyson. This one is the Dyson DC25 Animal model. It is a top of the line vacuum and the best for allergies and picking up dirt and fur. It's the more expensive of the dysons but it has what I am looking for. There are other less expensive models. It was amazing what some of the customers said about it (and the other models). Even some of those pictures! People would vacuum with their old vacuum and then vacuum with this and take a picture of the dirt and dust it picked up. Some even had to empty the canister twice before they were through and they claim to be regular vacummers. Okay, that has me hooked.

Plus it's lightweight, has an attachment to pick up fur off furniture, has a lifetime filter which doesn't need replacing and it's bagless which is good for the environment. Plus it acts as a little air filter. From the Dyson website: "Air expelled from a Dyson cleaner has 150x less mold and bacteria than the air you breathe." So it's not spitting out dust and odors like my old vacuum is. Wonderful!

I found one on sale at Best Buy and will pick it up today if it's in stock. Expensive, yes. Worth it, I think so. I have already seen Katherine's eczema improve just from putting air filters around the house and changing the filter in our furnace. I can do so much more with this vacuum and I think I can still keep my cat! Definite plus there! And hopefully I will have my new vacuum for several years.

Haha. Maybe I'll post my pictures of our first use too. That could be fun and maybe slightly embarrasing. But hey. If it works like everyone says then it'll be a keeper!

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