Saturday, October 31, 2009

Saturday Project

October 2009 131We are working on a room upstairs that will be a guest/craft room/office. If we can fit all that into there. Alan painted the walls in two shades of yellow for me. Thank you Alan!

Today I stenciled a pretty motif around where the two shades meet. I’d also found a stencil with some nice, uplifting words: believe, faith, joy, gratitude, dream, among others. I thought they’d be a nice part of the motif to help encourage some creativity and happy thoughts. Happy thoughts are always good. They are randomly spaced along the main motif. I really like how the white turned out because it looks lacy and elegant to me. Another color brought in might have been too much. I’d thought about doing the words in a teal green or black but I think I like this way better. It’s more subtle rather than in your face. I think it is looking really nice!

  October 2009 133October 2009 138  October 2009 136


  1. I love it! What a beautiful idea!

  2. Too cool! Not that I am surprised though...I'm pretty sure you are most artistic friend!
