Tuesday, April 14, 2009

hmm, let's try it

So, I go into my blog dashboard and there are a couple new icons there. One is to allow texting directly into the blog. The other is to allow emailing in. So I set it up and am giving it a try. I can email text and images. This is the text.

Here's an image: (from the flower show)

Ah, so how it works is you send the email and it saves it as a draft. You can go in and edit and post on your own time. The picture was placed above my text so I moved it down. The subject line in the email becomes the post title.

(Um, no, I think maybe it did post directly instead of saving as a draft. I must have checked it too soon. Must investigate this further, but later)

Time saver? Not sure yet.

For those who get my blog posts as emails, sorry about this little test. Please stay tuned for more interesting stuff to come.

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