Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Gabby’s Insect Society Video

For PC, Gabby had homework to research an insect and learn about it’s society. Then make a video or some other media form about what she learned that also included the participation from her family. She researched ants. Here is her video and her findings are below.

Warning: The videographer was sitting atop a major ant who was warding off attackers from the nest while the video was being shot. So the footage is a bit shaky. :)


Here are the facts about ants that she learned:

1. There are many different kinds of ants such as fire ants, leaf-cutter ants, and honey ants.

2. Ants live all around the world, especially in forests.

3. Some ant predators are bees, wasps, hornets and humans.

4. The queen ant is not the only ant in the colony that has wings. The drones also have wings.

5. Leaf-cutter army ants (major ants) can cut through a leather boot.

6. There are 22,000 species of ants.

7. Minims are the smallest Leaf-cutter ants and care for the fungus gardens for the brood.

8. Minors are present in and around the columns and are the first line of defense for the colony.

9. Mediae ants are generalized foragers who cut leaves and bring them back to the colony.

10. Majors are soldier ants and protect the colony from intruders and also participate in other activities like clearing the main trails and carrying bulky items to the nest. (I think this is so funny – of course a soldier ant would be called Major Ant. haha!)

11. Worker ants and minim ants work together. The minim ant sits on the worker ant’s head to ward off attacks from the phorid fly which tries to lay its eggs on the ant’s head.

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